Xiomara Laugart

Xiomara Laugart is a New York-based Cuban singer. She had an extensive career in her native Cuba within the Nueva Trova movement before emigrating.

"Those who have entered Cuba through Jose Marti International Airport in Havana will know that upon arrival, they are greeted by beautiful video images of Old Havana on TV screens and the sultry voice of Xiomara Laugart singing “Hoy mi Habana viste lo mejor…”. And it is no coincidence because Xiomara Laugart is: “The Voice of Cuba”. She has been representing her country and her people, performing at venues around the globe for years and along the biggest talents all over. She is a living legend in her native Cuba where she has recorded more than 15 albums. For many years, Xiomara Laugart La Negra as she is popularly known, was Muse to the Nueva Trova artists and recorded and shared stages with the likes of Pablo Milanes, Silvio Rodriguez, Raul Torres, etc. Xiomara is both the essence of the old Cuba, with its rhythmic folk songs, fused with a blend of today’s directness and clarity of voice, which is eventually matched with her deep laugh. It is that distinctive laugh that will soon captivate audiences from all walks of life with her swing style in all of her Cuban splendor. Obviously, we are not in presence of a common manufactured phenomenon. This singer has a peculiar mystery to reveal, not only her vocal virtues, and flexibility, but a special sound, fluently “liquid” and garrulous. Her range is such that the jazz influences seem to be a natural extension of her repertoire. She takes on each style of music and embraces it with her own stamp and authentic flare. Ms. Laugart recently released her worldwide debut album for Chesky Records, a lavish and sophisticated collection of old and new songs written by Meme Solís and Andrés Levin, Descemer Bueno and with arrangements by Octavio Kotan and Axel Tosca. Until recently, Ms. Laugart has been the leading vocalist in Yerba Buena, a New York collective with a brilliant mix of rhythms to which she added her African and Caribbean legacy." [1]


  1. ^ Xiomara Laugart (Myspace)

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